Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's been so long since I posted here I had actually forgotton my password. I also have forgotton how to blog ...... Will try harder.............. promise.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This week I have had a really bad chesty cough. To go along with this I have had shivers, dizziness, sickness and a craving for chocolate (OK I made the last bit up - I have that symptom permanently)

I was so disorientated one day this week I got out of the shower and put some moisturiser on, only to find I had mistakenly picked up cracked heel cream. My face was nice and smooth with it however so result!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hubby has invited friends over later. They are great but the woman irons socks, she keeps her house so clean you feel guilty walking in there. She bought an entire new sofa after recently moving because her stunning one year old one just didnt look right. The kids glue lego models together so they never break and the husband has to run every cable through walls as leaving them loose just isnt good enough.

When I went into Ethan's room yesterday I stepped on a half eaten Crunchie stuck to a dirty sock. Guess what I have been doing today? Nuff said!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I am trying to keep busy at the moment. I have even taken up ironing!!!!!!

Death throws up lots of questions that I dont want to think about for too long so I am trying not to dwell on them.

I have had the hubby around for the last month or so which has been nice, even so it will be nicer to see him go back to work next week. The last few weeks really have focused on family so there has not really been any news.

Dentist trips, doctors appointments and food shopping are about as exciting as it gets at the moment. I am just trying my best to focus on my holiday to Dubai to November, I need to start saving.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

January flew by and I havent even had a chance to pull the pictures off my camera yet.

Ethan hit seven at the beginning of February and for the next month he can boast that he is only one year younger than Joanna.

A shock to us all on Friday my Grandmother passed away very suddenly. This is one of my first experiences of grief and the first grandparent I have lost. The funeral next week means that Naty will travel home from America and that Emily will travel back from London. I will see relatives I havent seen in years. I am not taking the kids to the funeral, Joanna thinks about these things so much its already keeping her up at night and I dont want her dwelling on it anymore. I am dreading the funeral so much, I think we are all keeping busy thinking about practical things. May my dear Nan rest in peace.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

I just spent the last ten minutes flicking back through my posts in January to see my past new years resolutions. I don't know what to say - I am still fat so I guess they don't mean much. Still gonna try and eat healthy though even if it is only for a few weeks.

My lovely hubby bought me lots of lovely gifts for Christmas, A digital camera, some chocolates, a CD, GHD hair straighteners and a 5* holiday to Dubai. It is our tenth wedding anniversary in November and we always said we would have a honeymoon as we didn't have one when we married. He has booked a beautiful hotel, and I am really looking forward. It is a long time to wait and I do feel guilty about not taking the kids but it is somewhere I have always wanted to go. So November cant come quick enough for me.

Happy New year all, Hope your new years resolutions don't make you too miserable. Will post a few Christmas pics in a few days.