Am I dead?? No, no, no, no. Is this one of those annoying blogs you pass by and wonder why the owner suddenly stopped posting.... maybe... No actually I have decided it's not, although I must admit I contemplated it.
We enjoyed the holidays (if you want details and pictures go visit the sister Natalie who wrote all about it.)
Apart from what she says my own personal experience was that both America and Canada are lovely places that I hope to visit again someday but after the week-long jetlag we had when we got home I do not wish to go back anytime soon.
As soon as that cleared up and I actually got my head back around routine the summer holidays have descended and it seems like I havent nor will I ever have a moment's peace again. So if I seem a slightly mad, quite mad or have completely lost my marbles over the next six weeks, well look at this way it will make for interesting reading. Every other Mum reading knows exactly what I mean right??