Wednesday, December 29, 2004

We had a brilliant christmas - To my horror the kids were up at 5.30am, so I was tired all day. The kids seemed to like everything that Santa brought for them :) I got some nice perfume from Gary and a pair of slippers and a new handbag and some chocolates. Of my Mum and Dad I got a new pair of speakers for my pc which are really brill and I got some smellies as well. I got a lovely replica of Arwen's (Lord of the rings) necklace from my sister Eloise and a Lotr calender of my other sister Emily. From Natalie in Us I got a brill Tshirt. Thanks Natalie - I love it. Even the mother in law got it right for me this year lol - She got us vouchers so we could get some more flooring for our dining room - Which I was chuffed about. She really liked the Bonsai tree I ended up getting her - Phew.

So what are your New years resolutions? Did you keep many from last year? This year I am hoping to lose weight, do more work on the house, sort out more bills, make more money and generally use my time more wisely - So the word for next year is Proactive. Hopefully it should work out better as my hubby has taken a job which means he will be home every night, We will have more of a normal life which I am really looking forward to. Oh and I am going to Take Posh the cat to more shows this year and hopefully breed her as well. Oh and join another gym closer to home. Phew I really have my work cut out. lol

Hope you all had a good Christmas celebration. I am going to try and add a picture for you now.

The kids and my sisters Emily and Eloise Posted by Hello

Friday, December 24, 2004

Its Christmas Eve

OMG where has the time gone? I cant believe its Christmas eve, the kids are super wound up and we have been watching christmas films all day - Which has been nice. After a frantic day of cleaning all day yesterday I think we are all set. The oven is on ready to cook the turkey :) All the presents are wrapped and we have a busy night ahead sorting them all out.

I was at Tescos at 6.20am on Wednesday morning and to my despair it was still busy. I managed to get everything we needed and only managed to spend a whopping £150. I am looking forward to My parents and sisters visting on Boxing day and Garys family visiting on Monday. So we do not need to step out of the house for days, which I am soooo looking forward to.

I got Gary to buy me some slippers and a new bag for xmas and I know he has got me something else but I dont know what. I got him a Shaver and a dvd and a cd. The kids both have bikes amoungst so amny other things. I really go over the top at xmas - I love spoiling them as does my mother.

So I am off now to sort the turkey - Have a very happy christmas all. x x x x

Sunday, December 19, 2004

well its been ages since I have blogged, so here especially for Jilly is another entry lol. Things have been so very hectic here, It has taken me ages just to realise that December wont slow down for me to catch up on my christmas shopping. But I think I am finally there - Including the ever elusive gift for the mother in law. I got her a Bonsai tree, I think she will like it. I have bought alot less for the kids this year, I have tried to stay away from Ebay - My addiction.

Things have been so hectic in school with the kids, something on every day, carol signing in various places, the christmas service, cinema trips, the christmas fayre - And that just with Joanna. They seem to lead such a hectic life at only 4 and 2 years old. They have had more christmas cards than me :( Joanna came home with 35 cards, I dont think I even know that many people.

We had a night out last night with my friends from college, we had a three course christmas dinner, It was a lovely evening which was really nice. It was a relaxed atmosphere and even though I didnt drink I had a great time.

The kids are off school now and Gary is off work at the moment too, He has helped me get organised which is good but I get far less time online unfortunately, He thinks me and the pc spend too much time together. I am hoping he will work a few days next week for me to spend some time at my mums with the kids. It seems like ages since I spent any time with my sisters.

Got my turkey this morning - We were at town at 10am for opening and it was still stupidly busy there, I wonder why everyone leaves it till the last minute to get the shopping in - I mean we all know we gotta get the presents right???

Well if I dont get a chance to blog again before christmas have a brilliant time.