Wednesday, December 29, 2004

We had a brilliant christmas - To my horror the kids were up at 5.30am, so I was tired all day. The kids seemed to like everything that Santa brought for them :) I got some nice perfume from Gary and a pair of slippers and a new handbag and some chocolates. Of my Mum and Dad I got a new pair of speakers for my pc which are really brill and I got some smellies as well. I got a lovely replica of Arwen's (Lord of the rings) necklace from my sister Eloise and a Lotr calender of my other sister Emily. From Natalie in Us I got a brill Tshirt. Thanks Natalie - I love it. Even the mother in law got it right for me this year lol - She got us vouchers so we could get some more flooring for our dining room - Which I was chuffed about. She really liked the Bonsai tree I ended up getting her - Phew.

So what are your New years resolutions? Did you keep many from last year? This year I am hoping to lose weight, do more work on the house, sort out more bills, make more money and generally use my time more wisely - So the word for next year is Proactive. Hopefully it should work out better as my hubby has taken a job which means he will be home every night, We will have more of a normal life which I am really looking forward to. Oh and I am going to Take Posh the cat to more shows this year and hopefully breed her as well. Oh and join another gym closer to home. Phew I really have my work cut out. lol

Hope you all had a good Christmas celebration. I am going to try and add a picture for you now.

The kids and my sisters Emily and Eloise Posted by Hello

Friday, December 24, 2004

Its Christmas Eve

OMG where has the time gone? I cant believe its Christmas eve, the kids are super wound up and we have been watching christmas films all day - Which has been nice. After a frantic day of cleaning all day yesterday I think we are all set. The oven is on ready to cook the turkey :) All the presents are wrapped and we have a busy night ahead sorting them all out.

I was at Tescos at 6.20am on Wednesday morning and to my despair it was still busy. I managed to get everything we needed and only managed to spend a whopping £150. I am looking forward to My parents and sisters visting on Boxing day and Garys family visiting on Monday. So we do not need to step out of the house for days, which I am soooo looking forward to.

I got Gary to buy me some slippers and a new bag for xmas and I know he has got me something else but I dont know what. I got him a Shaver and a dvd and a cd. The kids both have bikes amoungst so amny other things. I really go over the top at xmas - I love spoiling them as does my mother.

So I am off now to sort the turkey - Have a very happy christmas all. x x x x

Sunday, December 19, 2004

well its been ages since I have blogged, so here especially for Jilly is another entry lol. Things have been so very hectic here, It has taken me ages just to realise that December wont slow down for me to catch up on my christmas shopping. But I think I am finally there - Including the ever elusive gift for the mother in law. I got her a Bonsai tree, I think she will like it. I have bought alot less for the kids this year, I have tried to stay away from Ebay - My addiction.

Things have been so hectic in school with the kids, something on every day, carol signing in various places, the christmas service, cinema trips, the christmas fayre - And that just with Joanna. They seem to lead such a hectic life at only 4 and 2 years old. They have had more christmas cards than me :( Joanna came home with 35 cards, I dont think I even know that many people.

We had a night out last night with my friends from college, we had a three course christmas dinner, It was a lovely evening which was really nice. It was a relaxed atmosphere and even though I didnt drink I had a great time.

The kids are off school now and Gary is off work at the moment too, He has helped me get organised which is good but I get far less time online unfortunately, He thinks me and the pc spend too much time together. I am hoping he will work a few days next week for me to spend some time at my mums with the kids. It seems like ages since I spent any time with my sisters.

Got my turkey this morning - We were at town at 10am for opening and it was still stupidly busy there, I wonder why everyone leaves it till the last minute to get the shopping in - I mean we all know we gotta get the presents right???

Well if I dont get a chance to blog again before christmas have a brilliant time.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Another week starts, Husband and kids all left the house in a bad mood this morning and I couldnt wait for some peace, some teacher shouted me at the school for not shutting a door correctly??????? She didnt like it when I had a go back at her though - She made a hasty exit lol. Ethan came home with his first birthday party invitation this week - He was so proud to get invited, Its a proper party too - I never bothered organising any before Joanna started school (apart from a family tea) they cost so much - You have to wonder if its worth spending £80 on a two year olds party.

I have spent the last week stressing about Christmas - I usually have most of the childrens done by now but not this year, I am working hard on selling stuff on ebay to get some pressies. And what to get for the mother in law - Is it possible to get it right???????

No college last week and I really missed it - Nothing to think about and therefore I have no deep ponderings for you this week. Wednesday though and I am sure I will be given plenty to think of.

I am off on my weekend away this weekend - I am really looking forward to some time with my hubby (when hes not sulking that is) Hoping to do some shopping, See Bridget Jones - The edge of reason and have a nice meal and a few drinks. I plan to spoil myself lol.

Well I am off to visit some blogs now - Let me know you stopped by and I will pay you a visit as well. Hugs. And Welcome Home Jilly if you are reading, Missed you hun.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Bonfire night went well, the stadium we went to was packed, there were thousands there. I have to say though despite being good fireworks they were nowhere near as good as the ones I saw on 4th July in Seattle (when I went over this year to be at my sisters wedding)

My anniversary is approaching quickly (20 November) We will have been married 5 years and together 12 years. It would have been easy to give up on it many times, but thats to easy. I really do feel now that we have a really good strong marriage. We are going away for a weekend together (no kids - hurray lol) Only an hour away to Bristol, but I am really looking forward. I am hoping to get some christmas shopping done at Cribbs Causeway shopping centre.

Thankyou all for your comments on my last entry - It would certainly seem that most people have strong beliefs on God, The afterlife and the supernatrual, However I have only ever met one person that says he has no belief what-so-ever - I find that fascinating.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

It seems like ages since I posted last, It has been a hectic week. Childrens parties and other such things are taking up so much of my time as well as planning for christmas - A friend told me she had finished her shopping consequently sending me into a panic.

I had college yesterday. We were discussing Humanisim and what they believe in. They believe there is no God, no supernatrual and no after life - we therefore have to make the most of this life. I am not sure I agree totally, different cultures throughout the ages, all over the world,have all had one thing in common - They all have a God. I am not a religious person but I would like to believe there is something out there and yes I do believe in the supernatrual and afterlife. What about you?
Counselling is a deep thought provolking subject - I wouldnt normally have gone for it but I find it really interesting.

Tomorrow night we celebrate Guy fawkes and I am really looking forward to a night out with the children, I cant wait to see their faces as they see the fireworks go off in the sky. A local hotel has arranged a big event with a band and some of the stars of Pop idol Not sure who though having never watched it.

Have a great Bonfire night if you celebrate it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I think I am seriously addicted to this blog explosion thing - Its really good fun. Jilly I blame you lol.

The weather here in Wales is awful today, gale force winds and heavy rain. The kids are not to badly behaved considering it is half term - There was an incident with a bowl of Weetabix ending up all over the wall yesterday but nothing to bad. We have spent the day at my mothers today so her house could get messed up instead of mine lol

I have had all of my history of medicine books back from Ebay now - For those of you who dont know I am in the third year of a six year part time degree in Humanites (major History) This years subjects are counselling and the history of medicine, Counselling wasnt really what I wanted to do but I have to take whats on offer. It is interesting though. Last week we had a discussion on what your earliest childhood memory is, Most people only seem to remember bad things under 5 years or nothing at all before then. Whats your earliest memory? Mine is sitting on a table in my living room surrounded by toys eating endless easter eggs (no suprise there) Now thats happiness for you lol

Right I am off to surf more blogs - Leave a little note and say you stopped by - I always return the visit :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

New layout

Ok finally got it up - What do you think???? Took me ages to get the html up as it didnt work with blogger but here we are all done.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Today as the children were up my mother in laws, we had a walk around town, I marvelled at all the decorations and collected all the christmas catalogue. This afternoon in my boredom I started compiling christmas lists for the childrens presents. I think I will need a bank loan. There are so many things I want to get them - so many nice things.

The formula one season is over - finally. Nah I dont mean that really, it is something both Gary and I enjoy. However I have got a bit fed up of watching Michael Schmacher win. Its about time he retired I think.

Tomorrow half term begins, and the so does destruction of the house and my sanity. I shall be mad by the end of the week lol. Have quite a few things planned actually but tommorrow we will probably stay in for the day.

On a happy note the diet has gone well all weekend wooooo hoooo. Tomorrow when Gary is back in work the challenge begins. There is a huge pot of chocolate spread in the cupboard, I will need all of my willpower to resist it. Do you have any spare???

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Took the children to a birthday party this afternoon and after months of trying I managed to drag Gary along with me. His face the whole time was a picture. He sat there in stubborn determindness not to talk to any of the other parents the entire time and almost shook with terror when the local vicar (a parent of one of the children at the party) came to sit by us, He picked up on the vibes and departed swiftly. The children enjoyed though.

The children attend a voluntary aided religious school chosen by as at it was the best, we felt, in the area. Not being religious people it was quite a decision. however it has some how began to worry me lately that our children are not christened (both my husband and I are) I have no idea why, it just now seems of importance. I intend to invesigate the matter further.

The week ahead consists of me painstakingly trying to entertain the children over half term. Whilst Ethan visits his grandmother at some point in the week I intend to take Joanna to see her first film at the cinema. She is nearly five. I hope she sits there without to much drama.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

:( :( :( :(

Not a happy bunny, feel crap. Got a cold and diet goes badly. House is a mess and I have loads and loads to do. Dont know where to start anymore. Kids are fighting and wont stop - I am surprised they havent put each other in hospital yet ***sssshhhhhh Sarah - Dont curse yourself****

Everything seems dull and grey at the moment. The winter months are drawing in and it is getting colder. I cant wait till the kids go to bed so I can crash on the sofa - If I had a big bar of chocolate I would be eating it.

On a brighter note I had a great time on Saturday night, Ended up in a club rather than the civilised meal I had set out in my mind. Walked home in the cold at 1.30am with a kebab. Didnt have a hangover though so that cant be bad.

Had college today, one of my friends mother died on Saturday, she seems to be coping extremely well. I feel so sad for her though. Half term looms over me. Next week I shall be home all next week with my little angels - Better start thinking up things to do now.

Right better go and get a few things done. Something is better than nothing right ????

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Peace at last

Finally the kids were in school today and Gary was at work all day and I have peace all day and night lol.

I have spent the day lazing around the house all day and catching up on everything online - Bliss - Not to mention all the eating I have done - Dont worry though - Thats it on Saturday I am starting on a 10 week slimdown for xmas with the rest of the group at Loud Ladies

Not done much else today really, A friend of mine Neil got a new car and couldnt wait to show it off so he brought it round earlier on. Its a Passat - really nice. I just know Gary will want a new car now though lol.

I handed my notice in at the family centre meeting the night before last - It wasnt as bad as I thought. Our coordinator took it rather well, I think she must have been expecting it.

Tommorrow is another busy day here and I am looking forward to a good weekend, We are off out with friends of our whom we havent been out with in a while. Shall I get new clothes or not?

Me and the kids had our first attempt at pumpkin carving last night lol It was only a small one - A practice run, what you think???

Our first go out pumpkin carving Posted by Hello

Monday, October 11, 2004

Panic panic

Dont the shops really know what they are doing, Today as I was walking through the shopping centre I noticed that the christmas decorations are already up, On walking into Asda I noticed lots of tins of quality street jumping out at me, When I got to Wilkinsons a life size plastic Santa greeted me at the door, and whilst walking around I was bombarded by little fibre optic gadgets singing christmas carols. I wonder whether or not their intention is to strike fear into every mother out shopping and make her think "omg I havent got any pressies for my children yet" and I think it probably is. I am not organised - I should have lists by now but I dont. They have suceeded - I am stressing.

Didnt get up to alot over the weekend. Gary didnt get home until late on Saturday so we couldnt go far as Joanna had ballet in the afternoon and Gary took the car to get some new tyres. Sunday the children went up to Garys mothers, Peace lol. So then I had to put up with Gary who was in a funny mood all day. We spent most of the day play fighting and now I have lots of bruises cos he is stronger than me lol - Not to worry I have nails and scratched him plenty of times. We had fun, it makes a change to act like a kid and its good exercise.

Last night though Gary got sick and has been off work and under my feet all day, I did get everything done - I was a good little housewife lol and have hardly been online since last Friday. Tomorrow though he should be back in work and I should finally get some peace to get some work done for college on Wednesday - I think I shall try and prepare a little better this time.

The diet goes well for three days now, Today I have been extra good and am hoping before long that I shall get over some of the cravings I am getting for chocolate. Oh I wish I could afford liposuction, but yet again the lottery people forgot it was my turn to win the jackpot.

I have a meeting for the family centre tomorrow night, We started setting one up about 2 and a half years ago with a local children society. However we just dont seem to be getting there, we have no sign yet of opening up the centre even though we have been given premises by the council (one which needs extensive renovation that is not taking place) I took on the responsibility with the view that it may be beneficial to my own children however now as Joanna is in school and Ethan is at playgroup it wont be. On Saturday I got the news that we have recieved £60000 from the national lottery and tomorrow I have made the decsion after telling our coordinator that we got the funding (something we have been trying to get for the last year) that I have decided to resign, along with our chairperson - Who is also resigning tomorrow. I feel that if I am going to donate my time to a cause like this then I would rather it be to Joannas school where my children will benefit. None the less I am dreading tomorrow night.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Feeling brainy

I had college today, I arrived late which wasnt a good start, the traffic was terrible. I go to college because I enjoy studying the History but along with that I have to study another subject and this year it is counselling again. Now dont get me wrong, the teacher is lovely - Its just that I am not an over emotional person and I have to say that alot of what goes on in class goes over my head. Everyone in the class seems to have had such deep emotional experiences and me ....... Well I am just me and I dont think I have ever done or experienced anything which has envolked such a response.

I am out of my depth or that is the way I feel sometimes, I mean to me and I am being truthfull and am trying not to be ignorant, it just sounds like alot of nonsense. The homework we had to prepare for todays class was simply "how is myself constructed" We werent supposed to do any deep philosophical reading, just simply answer the question from our heads. I didnt have a clue and this morning (an hour and a half before class) I thought I had better write an answer. So I wrote a brief answer saying what I kind person I felt I was. When I got to class I was horrified to see that everyone had written pages of deep and meaningful answers. OK so I mean whats going on - Where does it all come from?????????

The teacher went around the class asking for our answer, I listened and sat there thinking "oh no I am going to look ridiculous. I really cant say what I have written" so came my turn............ I looked at the paper and looked up and repeated the question. "How is myself constructed?" I resisted the urge to say a head, two arms, two legs and a body and said........ "I see myself as not finished, I am still being constructed and cannot answer yet because I do not know what the final result will be" Silence

Oh no, I thought, disaster. The teacher looked at me and said "wow what an excellent answer ... You have obviously pondered the question long and hard" Everyone agreed that my perspective was the best and I am therefore class genius. Well there we are. What would you have said .... How are you constructed? Think about it, Its not as easy as you think.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

12 Weeks till xmas

I cant believe its October already. September has flown by, and I havent got all that much done. I have made a start on Christmas shopping so thats something. My ebay auctions are going well so I have got some great pressies for them.

Not alot has happened this week - Just an endless week of cleaning, getting kids to school in the rain, picking them up in the rain and running around going to kids parties - Fantastic. At one of the parties I ended up stuck with my friends mother in law and the vicar - Not my idea of fun. Oh well nevermind it could be worse!!

We had a nice family weekend, didnt do anything or go anywhere, just stayed in and messed around, watched some films and ate. lol sometimes thats the best fun ever.

The car is playing up - Keeps cutting out all the time - I am praying it doesnt break down - I cant cope without the car.

The diet has completely gone out the window - Its official - I cant stop eating - I am a foodaholic if there is such a thing. I ate and ate and ate this weekend.

I started back to college this wednesday, we had a really cool history teacher, he was exactly what you would expect, gold circular glasses, a green velvet waistcoat etc He was so full of enthusiasm it was great to sit there and listen to him. I have to get loads of books, I went out and looked for them at WHSmith and nearly all are out of print. Makes you wonder where's the sense asking you to get them then. I have found a few on Ebay but its gonna cost.

I am hoping for a quieter life this week - although thats never the case lol.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Monday's mean cleaning

I hate Monday mornings, Not only is it a mad rush to get the kids up, dressed and out of the house, but I have to come home to a tip and start cleaning up the debris from the weekend. Yes thats right Gary is worse than the kids - he makes more mess, winds me up more and generally annoys. I guess thats men for you.

We took the kids up to his mothers yesterday and my mother in law had a new toy - A blood pressure testing machine. So we took mine 155/88 which I think is quite good for me - Then we took Garys, 110/63 so he is so chilled he is nearly dead - He spends most of his time stressing me out. I tell you this marriage thing is hard work.

Ethan has taken to getting up at 5am at the moment, and I am totally exausted. My husbands only answer to that is "welcome to the real world" I just want to punch him, He does his hours (granted 70 a week) but thats it, he never worries about the bills, the kids or anything else. He doesnt lift a finger and he still has it harder than anyone else.

Didnt get up to much else this weekend. Joanna is now officially enrolled in Ballet (although I am the one who has to take her every Saturday cos that is too much to ask of hubby obviously) She is thrilled. I also bought her a poncho from ebay and she strutted into the playground this morning proudly, she seems very popular which makes me happy.

I have bought a few christmas pressies now and am glad that I have started as October is nearly upon us.

I managed FTP this weekend - Finally I have it sussed - very happy with myself (I must be a computer genius lol) I also have some brilliant new plug ins for my psp which is also great.

Diet - Well dont talk about that - I havent gained or lost which is ok but its not looking good. Gary put on 2, hurray he is not perfect.

Well on with the cleaning.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I give in

I am not meant to lose weight so I think I am not gonna bother at the moment, Anne you are totally right about the Slimfast thing, and I knew that before I started so I dont know why I bothered lol.

Went out on Saturday night - was supposed to be for a meal, but it ended up as a pub crawl with some friends instead. We had a brilliant time - Gary behaved well considering how much he hates clubbing, especially considering the drama leading up to the night, first of all I decided to put my hair in curlers and when I pulled them out I looked as if I had an electric shock - I spent over an hour trying to calm it down lol it was that curly. Then whilst we were waiting for the taxi by the front door despite Garys warnings to me and the babysitter Eloise my sister to watch the cat wouldnt escape - guess what - yeap she escaped. Dont get me wrong this would be no big deal if I hadnt paid £500 for a pedigree breeding queen. After catching her we wondered where our taxi was and on phoning them they told us that they had been looking for an address that didnt even exsist. We took the car in the end and left it overnight.

We got home at about 2am and collapsed into bed - not really used to the clubbing thing. Ethan then kept us up most of the night :(

I had to enrol in college again last night - I have to do this every year. I study for a part time degree. I am in the third year of six years. This year we had to enrol at Swansea University instead of at the local learning centres where we are taught. It was quite strange - I havent been to an university since I left the first time seven years ago. I had to find my way around with a map and stand in ques whilst everything got processed. One of the members of my class said to me "Come on - since we are here why dont we go over the student union for a pint" Dont get me wrong I probabaly wouldnt have minded if Malcolm wasnt a 74 year old who has had three heart attacks in the last year. We all declined and agreed that we would all get together soon.

Today I am faced with a mound of cleaning and ironing etc having been more than a bit lazy over the last few days - So many things I am avoiding but I now must do them :(

Here goes .....

Friday, September 17, 2004

I have to have chocolate

I got up this morning feeling really rotton, The kids had been fighting since 6am and I am really tired although I have no idea why. I have stuck to the Slimfast thing all week (except Monday oops) and yes it has been really hard - the only thing that has kept me trying is the fact that I know Gary is sticking to it. You see I have never seen the point to it - I mean one shake is about 200 calories and you are supposed to have one for breakfast and one for lunch - Now my reasoning is why not have 200 calories of FOOD which I think is a better idea. I am not a lover of Slimfast at all as you can tell but hey Gary wanted to try it so ok I will give it a shot with him. I got on the scales this morning and I have lost 2lbs - Is that all I thought - for all that agony. I ate chocolate this morning - I have eaten in total 800 calories of food - which I am sure has to be better than slimfast - shhhhhh though Dont tell Gary lol

Whilst surfing the other day I came across a collector fayre in Milton Keynes that I wouldnt mind going to - There are loads of people there I would love to meet including many LOTR stars. Gary said ok we can go but I dont think he knows the extent of what he is saying. You have to start queing to get in at 6am - Do you think I should tell him that ?? In all honesty I dont think we will end up going which is a shame as I will have to wait a little longer to meet my second husband Billy Boed :)

What else have I done this week ?? Cleaned, washed clothes, sorted out toys (its about time I did this as the kids have far too many.) I have also had some discussions with Joanna who has started to react badly in the mornings when I drop her off for school. I have spoken to her teacher to see if alls ok in school but she assures me that Joannas temper tantrums are all for my attention. They spend far too much time with me I think.

I have to enrol for college again on Tuesday - A bit nervous as this time I have to go to Swansea University to do this, instead of the centre in Tairgwaith where I study. I start level two this year, only 4 years to go lol and things start to get serious - I had better work a little harder. I start back on the 29th and am really looking forward.

I am going out on Saturday night woooooo hooooo, I dont get to go out much but we are going for a meal and a few drinks with another couple we know. What shall I wear - Here it comes the depression because I cant fit into anything nice - I shouldnt have eaten the chocolate. ah well I will have to find something, I might curl my hair :)

Monday, September 13, 2004

The challenge!!!!

After another bad week on the diet, Gary insists we have to lose some weight and fast. So in his infinate wisdom he went out and bought us both a weeks supply of Slimfast. We now have a bet on who can lose the most weight in a week. Now this is relatively easy for him - He is in work all day and hasnt time to eat however I stay at home. I had had my two slimfasts by 11.30am and was starving. I am really lacking in willpower. After a couple of packets of crisps and a couple of Milky bars I decided I may as well give in for the day and proceeded to eat and eat and eat. Gary tells me he has stuck to the diet all day :( :( I guess I am going to lose then :( I will probably be the only person alive to gain weight whilst on Slimfast lol

We were thinking of going out on Saturday night but I will be lucky if I can get into any of my clothes. Ok Ok moan over. Well theres one good thing Most Haunted live is on again tonight so theres something interesting to watch. I am getting on ok with the LOTR book now although it is very different to the film.

I have retired Food 4 thought from the site fights finally - I never won the Dome but I just didnt have the time to keep voting. I am now looking for a nice (free) autumn picture to make a nice set for Loud Ladies.

My auctions are going ok on ebay although I havent made very much yet I am hoping that some auctions ending tomorrow will be good and I still have loads more to go on.

We went and booked some bikes for the kids for christmas on Sunday, so thats their main pressie sorted - all I have to do now is pay for it. I want to make this Christmas good so I have started planning already lol.

Ok back to looking for autumn pics.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Doesnt god understand I have no will power?

Well yes I am in a better mood although it was touch and go there for a while. Gary and I have made up and all is well with the world. We have decided we need to socialise and get out a bit more - So Mum and sisters if you are reading then I will be calling on your services more to babysit (obviously not you Naty as Seattle is a little far to drop the kids off for a night out lol) We are planning a night out a week Saturday and I am already planning lol

I am officially trading on ebay again - so if your after any any 80's toys check out my auctions - do a search under the screen name jomarise. Its amazing, all summer I have collected junk from car boot sales and chucked carrier bag upon carrier bag under the stairs and now it looks like I have loads to put on - I listed about 20 items today and have at least double that to go on again. Looks like I will have christmas paid for sooner than I think. I already sold one item today and I had forgotton the buzz you get from it.

I have just started reading the Lord of the rings trilogy - I guess they are those books you have to read but just dont want to - Its so tough I find myself reading aloud just to comprehend the words and I am only on the prologue lol.

ah well no other news here - Shopping day tomorrow - Not a good day for the diet. I lost half a pound this week but only by starving myself two days before class - What I am gonna do for Monday I dont know - I havent been very good as usual. There are so many nice things out there to eat. Even the low calorie stuff is nice - Only problem with that is I eat the whole pack of low calorie biscuits when your only supposed to eat two. I mean who only eats two biscuits??? I HATE DIETS - why cant chocolate either contain no fat or not exsist - Doesnt god understand I have no will power?

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Just a few little pills???

What a weekend. Why do men think that they are the only people on earth?? Why do they belive they come before everything. Gary asked me about a week ago to get his prescription, He is on tablets that stop his excess stomach acid that gives him terrible heartburn. Although I have been flat out all last week preparing for the kids to go back to school I got his prescription request in - which it turns out never got done ***of course this is my fault*** So I asked them to get it done for me and asked the pharmacy to deliver it for me. They never did **My fault again**

Gary hasnt spoken to me all weekend, He has shouted at the kids all weekend as well. I mean its no wonder he gets heartburn. He has gone to bed now - still not speaking to me - And I feel like shouting at him "I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER" We dont get to spend much time together but he has successfully ruined a whole weekend.
So I feel a bit down now not that I would let him see that.

I have a college induction on tuesday -So I will finally be out and about and seeing all my friends again. I have missed everyone so much over the summer. I need to get back to being more than a wife and mother. I am getting to the stage I guess where I need more from life. Theres plenty of time though - right now I need to be with the kids.

I dont have much other news. My mum and I went to another boot sale and found a few bargains - I begin selling on ebay again this week. Christmas with two kids takes alot of planning and alot of money. So it begins here.

I have diet class tomorrow - I have put on weight - I cant find any motivation. I am now nearly as heavy as Gary and cant seem to stop eating. So depressing.

I am going to go before I bore you all to death - I will be in a better mood when I post again Promise.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The end draws near!!

How I have survived I do not know but the end draws near. The summer holidays have been most trying for me, My sanity has suffered badly. The house needs a makeover and I dont think the carpet will ever be the same. I have managed to gain weight again - I am surrounded by mess and I havent seen grown up tv in too long to mention. Tommorrow though - Yes Tomorrow I can start being me again. The chidren return to school and to normality.

I dont doubt it has been stressful for the kids as well. We havent really done an awful lot, money as always is in short supply but thats no reason to go ripping down shelves and smashing vases I have had for the last 10 years.

Gary and I sat and looked at the house last night in despair - How can a 6 year old house look this bad??? We have decided that it is time for some DIY *cringe* We are a couple who bought a new house not to do any DIY and moving for the same reason sounds better and better. We are this weekend going to devise a list of things to do on the house before christmas, And whilst Gary has grand plans of fitting a shower above the bath and building a patio, mine are more conservative like painting the bathroom and fixing the toilet seat!

I feel at the moment like I am just about keeping my head (or sanity) above water, poor gary had to put up with my insufferable bad mood all weekend not having a clue why. I think I shall sleep for the first two days they are back in school - I never have enough sleep.

Nevermind tomorrow is a brand new day and Joanna moves up a class and I will be all alone for the first time in nearly 7 weeks. I have so much to do.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Food is too yummy to diet

We all had a great weekend - On Saturday we took the kids to Mcdonalds and then to the Ice cream Parlour and in the evening Gary and I had a chinese so diet ruined in the first week lol. Sunday we made an early start to take the kids to Folly farm, The weather was supposed to be awful all day - But instead we had a lovely day. This was the first time we went anywhere and Ethan walked all day - So much easier than taking the pushchair - Its days like these you realise how quickly they grow. We did everything there was to so, and came home exausted - needless to say they were asleep as soon as they got into bed.

Monday morning and the kids were off to their Mamgu's (Garys mum) so I had a day of peace, But I was dreading today, Diet class and by the time I got there was in a cold sweat - How could I lose weigh after eating two mcdonalds, a chocolate marshmallow sundae, not to mention the candy floss and popcorn. But I did lose 5 and a half pounds and now I know I have to work extra hard otherwise it will catch up with me next week - I am already thinking of excuses not to go, especially since me and the kids have been making cakes and I just ate 6 - Food is too yummy to diet.

I just got my Lord of the Rings The two towers extended dvd this morning, with the 42 extra minutes making it nearer 4 hours long. I cant wait to watch it but unfortunately it wont be tonight as Gary promises he will be home and theres no way he would sit through it lol.

I am off out early in the morning to take my sister Emily to get her GCSE results, I know she will do brill. To be honest it will be good to get out of the house, I cant wait for things to go back to normal, At the moment I feel as if I am in Limbo. One of my friends from college called yesterday with all the news - I was so excited to hear from her, I start back in October in my third year of the 6 years I have to do - Normality seems so far away.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

19 August 2004

The last few days have been so stressful, everything that could go wrong has been, remember I said as a joke in my last entry that I hadn't had any post - well I really haven't and the day before yesterday I started getting nasty phonecalls from catalogues, electric people, phone people that say they have sent me letters and I haven't replied. Since i really hadnt heard anything I was really worried, It turns out according to Royal Mail that someone is stealing my mail - so they are investiagting. I such a bad day worrying about it - i also had to cancel a cheque book that had been sent out.

On the bright side my website is finally finished and I have put it in the search engines etc and had loads of visitors last night when I finally gave everyone the link lol.

We are hoping to go on a daytrip on Saturday - if the weather is ok, We haven't really been out as a family much over the holidays and it doesnt look like we will be able to go on holiday again this year. ( yes I know I went to Seattle lol but I meant for the kids) We were thinking of going to Folly farm down Tenby way as it has lots of animals for the kids to see and lots for the kids to do as well as a fair.

I did get around to joining the slimming class on Monday and have stuck to it so far, I was hoping for a good loss in the first week although when I got on the scales at home - I havent lost anything. I was hoping for at least a pound especially as I have been so good lol. I know it takes time and I have to be patient - Its just I can hear the chocolate calling from here lol

oh well only two more days til the weekend and I can see my hubby again and get that huge hug I have been waiting for all week.

Monday, August 16, 2004

16th August 2004

I havent had a chance to blog in a while, I have been busy, I have nearly got all the pages for the website up now, although they are not all linked up. Some days I get nothing done at all and then others I get loads done. The end of the summer holidays grows closer and I am looking forward to the return to normality, Gary and I seem to be spending most of our weekend repairing or adding locks to things at the moment. I have to see if Joannas uniform still fits her this week - That will cost a fortune if it doesnt, I already know I have to get new shoes for them both.

I dont have any news really - I feel as if I am in a time warp at the moment - I rarely see anyone, Even the the postman only calls once a week. I am hoping to join a slimming class today - Since I have been home all day every day - I am piling on the pounds. As soon as the kids start back to school I am going to start selling on Ebay again- as I have to pay for Christmas which will be here before I know it lol.

I have decided to enter Korona for another cat show which is in Salisbury in October - I hope she wins this time.

Right off to do some more work now

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Thursday 5th August

OMG I think I am going insane. This website is driving me up the wall lol. I have got the hang of all the html and am getting pages up quite quickly now, Its just all the linking up takes a while. Nevermind. I havent been out of the house much in the last week - Tax ran out on the car so have been stuck in the house with my two little terrors, apart from squashing playdough into the carpet, covering the bathroom in talc, terrorizing the cat and generally making a mess - they have pulled a shelf down off the wall and pulled the curtain rail down in the living room ripping the plaster out as well.

Pay day tomorrow though and I will be out taxing the car and then off out - I am already planning lots for next week to keep them occupied. I think I may have one of my sisters staying down a few nights and I am planning on getting to the gym as well.

I am off to a car boot sale on Saturday morning, I am gathering stuff to start selling again on ebay - Although I wont be starting selling again until the kids go back to school. I will let you know what bargains I find.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Sunday 25th July 04

Well I have had a busy weekend so far, On Friday we went to my Auntys wedding, which was lovely - Everyone always comments on how lovely and well behaved my children are - Which is really nice.
Yesterday we didnt do much except run around shopping and getting stuff done around the house.  We put up our tent outside so the kids could play in it - but they dont seem to be bothered - Ha I would have loved it if I was a kid.  This morning we went to a Boot sale in Carmarthen which was good - Gary got a new book and I got loads of Polly Pockets to put on ebay - Thats if I ever get them back off Joanna.  I love ebay and make alot of money selling on there.  I love to buy 80's toys at boot sales to put on there - and love My Little Pony toys.
This afternoon we stayed in for Gary to watch the grand prix and Michael Schmacher won again - Boring.  Not really got that much planned for the week - A few things with the kids.  Hopefully will be able to get a bit more done on my website - I am getting things done slowly so not too bad.
well better go and do some cleaning

Friday, July 23, 2004

Thursday 22nd July 04

My very first blog.  Hurray lol.  Ok my name is Sarah, I am 28 years old from Wales UK.  I am currently a sahm.  I am attempting to build my first website, I have an msn group called Loud Ladies but really wanted to have a go at the html thing,  My sister Natalies site is so awesome I guess I just wanted to have one too.

So at the moment I have just about got up a homepage, havent quite managed to suss a few things out yet like how to link something without getting an outline around the image.  I have given myself until the end of the summer holidays to get it up and running, the kids are home at the moment so I am home alot more to do it.

Well not much else to say right no other than wooo hooo I have a blog and thats another job done.