I am just about recovering from Christmas and decided to take Joanna with me on a quick browse around the sales. Lets just say this was a mistake. Not only did her shopping skills put me to shame, they also made her 19 and 21 year old Aunty's look inferior. I mean where does a 6 year old learn to colour coordinate and pick the right clothes for 'perfect pink' nail varnish?
What did I get for Christmas? A gym membership from hubby - His polite way of saying perhaps you should lose a few pounds .... which I had fully intended to do so it actually will come in handy.
I also had a poker set which resulted in a drunken poker night with £40 in 10p pieces flying around the table and ultimately made my sister alot richer and me alot poorer.
Amoungst many gratefully recieved gift vouchers (which we asked for to finish kitting out the house) I recieved (as did my other sisters) a voucher for a make over photoshoot thing at this place from my mother. Hmmmm I guess this is punishment for avoiding photos of any kind since I was 12. Seriously I would rather have more wisdom teeth pulled than have photos taken but I will enjoy the makeover thing. There is not enough airbrushing in the world that would make me look like any of the photos on that website, but hey with any luck it will only be my Mum that will ever see it!!!!
Our new years celebration is a meal out with friends and the kids at the local Brewers fayre And will probably mean drunken parents filling their mouths with the ice cream machine again and running around launching smarties at each other. Personally I will br driving because I refuse to pay £45 for a taxi home on new years eve.
Happy new years to you!
I started this blog many years ago when I had two young children and not alot else going on in life. These days things are a little more hectic. I am a History teacher and my kids have a busier social life than me. I am always running around here and there but the basics of life remain the same - children, chores and chocolate!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I am burried in wrapping paper and sticky tape. The house is a mess, the cupboards are filled to bursting point and everyone is home with no plans to go anywhere.
I love the feeling when everyone is so excited waiting for Christmas to arrive. I have hardly been online at all so may I take the chance to wish you a happy Christmas, a drunken new years (if thats what you like) and a restful new years day.
I am sure I will blog then making my endless list of new years resolutions that I have no intention of keeping, until then I hope you get plenty from Santa. Merry Christmas x x x
I love the feeling when everyone is so excited waiting for Christmas to arrive. I have hardly been online at all so may I take the chance to wish you a happy Christmas, a drunken new years (if thats what you like) and a restful new years day.
I am sure I will blog then making my endless list of new years resolutions that I have no intention of keeping, until then I hope you get plenty from Santa. Merry Christmas x x x
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Someone must have nicked a month from me because suddenly its Christmas and I am sooo unprepared. I appreciate the shops put their decorations up about 8 weeks ago and so I have had some notice however I looked at the calender this morning and it's the 5th December already.
So last night I did what needed to be done and spent a fortune on Ebay buying pressies and then spent an hour and a half writing Christmas cards to people I havent seen since last Christmas.
Tonight I will probably start the soul destroying job of packing the children's presents. This usually starts with a glass of wine, a bar of chocolate and some nicely packed presents and ends with an empty bottle of wine, a half drunk Sarah and wrapping paper cellotaped to said toy in any way remotely possible.
Daughter has been chosen to be an angel (one of about ten) in the school play and is consequently unbearable to live with as she gets to wear a pretty outfit in front of the whole school. Meantime 1st December meant boy was out of bed at 5am to get the first chocolate out of his calender, he is so over excited I wonder if he will make it til to Christmas without exploding.
So last night I did what needed to be done and spent a fortune on Ebay buying pressies and then spent an hour and a half writing Christmas cards to people I havent seen since last Christmas.
Tonight I will probably start the soul destroying job of packing the children's presents. This usually starts with a glass of wine, a bar of chocolate and some nicely packed presents and ends with an empty bottle of wine, a half drunk Sarah and wrapping paper cellotaped to said toy in any way remotely possible.
Daughter has been chosen to be an angel (one of about ten) in the school play and is consequently unbearable to live with as she gets to wear a pretty outfit in front of the whole school. Meantime 1st December meant boy was out of bed at 5am to get the first chocolate out of his calender, he is so over excited I wonder if he will make it til to Christmas without exploding.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
So we are finally moved and more importantly reconnected to the internet. No there is no time delay - I got connected ages ago - I have just been to lazy to blog. The house is lovely and for those that care - detailed pictures (mainly for Natalie) are on the left.
With moving so close to christmas I realised I have to at some point buy presents which I never usually leave this later thus resulting in one panic stricken mother. Every child has to pick one present that you can never find, This year it has been the limited edition yellow power ranger outfit - which I have had to search the entire world for. And who could forget the elusive Barbie and Tanner I hear it is getting taken off the shelves as a dog that does its business everywhere is apparently a bit controversial. Perhaps everyone missed the fact that we have had peeing and pooing dolls everywhere for years.
Other than the usual christmas carnivals (getting soaked waiting for loads of half drunk rugby players and santa go past on a lorry) Christmas Fayres (where other mums slag each others cakes off) and christmas concerts (where reluctant parents are forced to attend school services to see their kids sing one song) there is not much else to report.
Oh and the woman across the road has put up huge amounts of christmas lights and decorations, she says her boys love them!!!! fair enough ... but her "boys" are two dogs!!!!!
With moving so close to christmas I realised I have to at some point buy presents which I never usually leave this later thus resulting in one panic stricken mother. Every child has to pick one present that you can never find, This year it has been the limited edition yellow power ranger outfit - which I have had to search the entire world for. And who could forget the elusive Barbie and Tanner I hear it is getting taken off the shelves as a dog that does its business everywhere is apparently a bit controversial. Perhaps everyone missed the fact that we have had peeing and pooing dolls everywhere for years.
Other than the usual christmas carnivals (getting soaked waiting for loads of half drunk rugby players and santa go past on a lorry) Christmas Fayres (where other mums slag each others cakes off) and christmas concerts (where reluctant parents are forced to attend school services to see their kids sing one song) there is not much else to report.
Oh and the woman across the road has put up huge amounts of christmas lights and decorations, she says her boys love them!!!! fair enough ... but her "boys" are two dogs!!!!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Sooo this is it, Tommorrow is moving day. All hell has all ready broken loose. I have so much to do its unbelievable and there can never be enough hours in the day.
The carpets go down tomorrow and my new dishwasher arrives on Monday, Gary is stressing so much I think his head will explode soon. The kids as always take it all in their stride and only wonder how the move will interfere with their social lives.
The scariest part of all is not only will I not have sky TV for an entire week after moving in but I will have no phone line, and we all know what that means ....WTF am I going to do without the internet.
Cue sad music......*walks away, head down... stops... looks back* I will be back someday, until then enjoy life. x x x
The carpets go down tomorrow and my new dishwasher arrives on Monday, Gary is stressing so much I think his head will explode soon. The kids as always take it all in their stride and only wonder how the move will interfere with their social lives.
The scariest part of all is not only will I not have sky TV for an entire week after moving in but I will have no phone line, and we all know what that means ....WTF am I going to do without the internet.
Cue sad music......*walks away, head down... stops... looks back* I will be back someday, until then enjoy life. x x x
Monday, October 30, 2006
I am burried in boxes with the assumption I will be moving this weekend, although our solicitor isn't spending an awful lot of time getting things done and is being extremely unhelpful generally. Grrrr I tell you if I ever see her out in town after a few drinks!!!!
Meantime two inset days means I have the kids home again ... Yipee. And hubby is driving me nuts .... just dont ask!!!!
We went and bought a plasma tv for the new house on Saturday - we spent a hideous amount of money on a tv that we will probably spend most of the time watching Scooby Doo on. Great huh. Nevermind whilst we were there hubby bought me a pressie - A dishwasher - I can hardly contain my excitement, what a wonderful gift to get a woman. As we were walking out of the shop he has the nerve to say "Dont expect anything for christmas"
Did you know Argos sell boxes? I was looking for toy boxes for the kids and came across these Given my present situation I thought I would take a look. £60 for boxes, I mean wtf, who would pay that?? I wonder if they ever sold any. Just go to the local corner shop. Yes I know thats completely random - Its been a long few weeks ok!!!!
Meantime two inset days means I have the kids home again ... Yipee. And hubby is driving me nuts .... just dont ask!!!!
We went and bought a plasma tv for the new house on Saturday - we spent a hideous amount of money on a tv that we will probably spend most of the time watching Scooby Doo on. Great huh. Nevermind whilst we were there hubby bought me a pressie - A dishwasher - I can hardly contain my excitement, what a wonderful gift to get a woman. As we were walking out of the shop he has the nerve to say "Dont expect anything for christmas"
Did you know Argos sell boxes? I was looking for toy boxes for the kids and came across these Given my present situation I thought I would take a look. £60 for boxes, I mean wtf, who would pay that?? I wonder if they ever sold any. Just go to the local corner shop. Yes I know thats completely random - Its been a long few weeks ok!!!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Thats all I can think about is my new house at the moment. I eat, breathe and sleep whilst thinking about how we are going to move all our junk and where the sofa is going to go when we do.
I havent quite got my priorities list sorted yet as I am currently more concerned about whether or not I will have broadband and Sky TV as compared to ... shall we say curtains and carpets.
I am also amazed by the fact that up until recently I prided myself on not being a collector of random junk. However when I started to pack I discovered that I had been infact stuffing it into cupboards, attics, garages and pretty much anywhere else I could find a space - The result so far has been 8 trips to the local dump with an absolute shitload of useless crap I never knew I owned.
I mean I know I must have been feeling maternal at the time but why would anyone keep 16 pairs of baby socks?? What for ?? Oh and also can I just say keeping every birthday card your child has ever had takes up a surprising amount of room and is totally useless ... As are calenders for 2002 and 2003 and also broken clocks!!!! What can I say I must have had my head up my arse at the time.
I havent quite got my priorities list sorted yet as I am currently more concerned about whether or not I will have broadband and Sky TV as compared to ... shall we say curtains and carpets.
I am also amazed by the fact that up until recently I prided myself on not being a collector of random junk. However when I started to pack I discovered that I had been infact stuffing it into cupboards, attics, garages and pretty much anywhere else I could find a space - The result so far has been 8 trips to the local dump with an absolute shitload of useless crap I never knew I owned.
I mean I know I must have been feeling maternal at the time but why would anyone keep 16 pairs of baby socks?? What for ?? Oh and also can I just say keeping every birthday card your child has ever had takes up a surprising amount of room and is totally useless ... As are calenders for 2002 and 2003 and also broken clocks!!!! What can I say I must have had my head up my arse at the time.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Solicitors suck, estate agents are arrogant and highly impolite, And morgage providers are some of the biggest crooks in the world. Valuations are just one big massive rip off and part exchanging your house ..... well dont even get me started on that. I tell you what I had better come out of this whole buying and selling thing with a mighty fine house or I will be really pissed.
In other news my sister has entered the world of living on beans and alcohol, being constantly skint and wearing dirty clothes - Thats right she has become a student. Leicester will never be the same again.
That said my mother seems to be coping well with the loss of her last born and has not (touch wood) been ringing me every available minute like I expected.
And continuing from my last entry with the stupid things your kids say - Mine have had some crackers this week.
Joanna: "If a tree falls in a forest on top of a boy and squishes him so he's dead ... Will the tree die???"
Ethan after being caught red handed at school throwing stones at the deputy head teachers car ... "I didnt do it"
Joanna: "Mammy .. what's a solicitor and why dont you talk to them like normal people?"
In other news my sister has entered the world of living on beans and alcohol, being constantly skint and wearing dirty clothes - Thats right she has become a student. Leicester will never be the same again.
That said my mother seems to be coping well with the loss of her last born and has not (touch wood) been ringing me every available minute like I expected.
And continuing from my last entry with the stupid things your kids say - Mine have had some crackers this week.
Joanna: "If a tree falls in a forest on top of a boy and squishes him so he's dead ... Will the tree die???"
Ethan after being caught red handed at school throwing stones at the deputy head teachers car ... "I didnt do it"
Joanna: "Mammy .. what's a solicitor and why dont you talk to them like normal people?"
Friday, September 15, 2006
Apparently if you are driving a car it is impossible to hear what anyone in the back seat is saying, or so my kids must have thought when they had this conversation on the way home from school today.
Ethan "Just hide it from her ...she wont know"
Joanna "She already knows I took it to school, she told me if I did she would bin it when I got home"
Ethan "We arnt allowed to take toys to school - You will get a row for it"
Joanna "Only if you get caught, but I dont get caught .... like you!"
Joanna "I dont want her to bin it"
Ethan "I can just kill her"
Joanna "Your hands are too small"
Ethan "I will just wait till I am grown up and then kill her"
Joanna "She will be dead by then anyway!"
As you can imagine I am not impressed and needless to say there was a conversation afterwards. I dont know where a six and four year old would get such gruesome ideas.
Ethan "Just hide it from her ...she wont know"
Joanna "She already knows I took it to school, she told me if I did she would bin it when I got home"
Ethan "We arnt allowed to take toys to school - You will get a row for it"
Joanna "Only if you get caught, but I dont get caught .... like you!"
Joanna "I dont want her to bin it"
Ethan "I can just kill her"
Joanna "Your hands are too small"
Ethan "I will just wait till I am grown up and then kill her"
Joanna "She will be dead by then anyway!"
As you can imagine I am not impressed and needless to say there was a conversation afterwards. I dont know where a six and four year old would get such gruesome ideas.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
After alot of thinking we have decided it's time to move on. The building that will be happening next door will mean alot of hassle for us and whilst I appreciate it wont go on forever, it will mean less light and space for us, It also means we will never be able to add the extension like we had always planned. So after nearly five years we are going to be moving.
After a visit to the estate agents last weekend the house is already up for sale and I feel just a little less secure. I am deliriously overtired having spend the last 24 hours cleaning (apart from 6 hours sleep) My arms ache and I have just said goodbye to our first prospective buyers who decided our garden was too small (Growing plants is highly over rated!)
The estate agents said it wont take long to sell and yet I have the feeling he says that to all his clients. I am pertrified of having nowhere to live if someone does buy this.
I am already stressed to the max and I havent even looked at a piece of paperwork yet. Blah. I refuse to move off the sofa tonight (I actually dont think I could if I tried) All that cleaning for bugger all.
After a visit to the estate agents last weekend the house is already up for sale and I feel just a little less secure. I am deliriously overtired having spend the last 24 hours cleaning (apart from 6 hours sleep) My arms ache and I have just said goodbye to our first prospective buyers who decided our garden was too small (Growing plants is highly over rated!)
The estate agents said it wont take long to sell and yet I have the feeling he says that to all his clients. I am pertrified of having nowhere to live if someone does buy this.
I am already stressed to the max and I havent even looked at a piece of paperwork yet. Blah. I refuse to move off the sofa tonight (I actually dont think I could if I tried) All that cleaning for bugger all.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I dont usually moan but for a moment I would just like to rant. Whatever I do at the moment someone decides it would be fun to rain on my parade. You see like so many other Mum's out there I still want to be Me! I still want to be considered a person and I still want to prove my worth.
I want to start a business and have had a couple of really good ideas lately and yet it seems that everywhere I turn there's a dead end. I havent found one helpful person yet in helping me get off the ground with three very different ideas, and that includes companies whose job it is to help me (WDA, Foothold etc) I know these ideas work successfully in other areas so I know they arnt rubbish, Its not as if I havent ran a business before so what is it??? What am I doing wrong.
On another subject a piece of land right next to my house which I have been trying to buy of the council for 5 years has just gone up for sale. They have put it up for sale despite denying to me that they even own it. Worse still is that they plan to force in 4 houses there, which will seriously crowd my house. I am annoyed because we have picked up litter there, sprayed their weeds and cut grass there for years to make the place look tidier, and now I am faced with months of building work, noise and mess.
Other than that I have totally spoilt my diet, I have a huge spot on my nose, havent had a decent conversation with anyone in days and have toothache from a wisdom tooth. My brain is so bored it permanently sleeps and there is still an entire two weeks of summer holiday left. There I think that just about covers it.
Mum, Natalie, Eloise and Emily - No need to ring me - I am sure everyone gets pissed off once in a while!!!!
I want to start a business and have had a couple of really good ideas lately and yet it seems that everywhere I turn there's a dead end. I havent found one helpful person yet in helping me get off the ground with three very different ideas, and that includes companies whose job it is to help me (WDA, Foothold etc) I know these ideas work successfully in other areas so I know they arnt rubbish, Its not as if I havent ran a business before so what is it??? What am I doing wrong.
On another subject a piece of land right next to my house which I have been trying to buy of the council for 5 years has just gone up for sale. They have put it up for sale despite denying to me that they even own it. Worse still is that they plan to force in 4 houses there, which will seriously crowd my house. I am annoyed because we have picked up litter there, sprayed their weeds and cut grass there for years to make the place look tidier, and now I am faced with months of building work, noise and mess.
Other than that I have totally spoilt my diet, I have a huge spot on my nose, havent had a decent conversation with anyone in days and have toothache from a wisdom tooth. My brain is so bored it permanently sleeps and there is still an entire two weeks of summer holiday left. There I think that just about covers it.
Mum, Natalie, Eloise and Emily - No need to ring me - I am sure everyone gets pissed off once in a while!!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Apparently sleep is just something I am not meant to get at the moment having hardly had any since Monday night. Tuesday Gary decided mistakely to text me in the middle of the night asking me if I was up. He was meant to be texting a work mate. Thing is he text the house phone which converts the messages to voice and then rings you until you answer the thing. Neither me or the children were amused and it was actually quite creepy hearing the eerie BT woman asking if I was up!!!
Wednesday night Gary was home. Aha now I hear you saying "I know what was keeping you awake then" ;) But no such luck! It was infact Gary's phone alarm at 3.30am playing Goldie Looking Chains Crazy dog repeatedley. And worse still we couldnt find the phone to switch it off. I was not amused, especially when his boss rung him at 6am as well.
Thursday night we had heavy rain and thunderstorms all night, enough said. What amazes me is that even after all this the kids are still full of life and ready to go another 10 rounds, me on the other hand well let me just say I really really like my sleep.
Wednesday night Gary was home. Aha now I hear you saying "I know what was keeping you awake then" ;) But no such luck! It was infact Gary's phone alarm at 3.30am playing Goldie Looking Chains Crazy dog repeatedley. And worse still we couldnt find the phone to switch it off. I was not amused, especially when his boss rung him at 6am as well.
Thursday night we had heavy rain and thunderstorms all night, enough said. What amazes me is that even after all this the kids are still full of life and ready to go another 10 rounds, me on the other hand well let me just say I really really like my sleep.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
After an unfortunate row with Gary Saturday morning I exercised my right to be a complete biatch!! I made him grovel big time, which resulted in lots of retail therapy all on Garys credit card Yummy!!! Even though one of the things I ended up buying was school shoes for the kids!!
I have no other news as I have become a bit of a hermit, not even going out to do the shopping (aint Tesco.com great) I guess you get to week 4 in the summer holidays and you have pretty much run out of (patience ..Just kidding!!) things to do and places to go. I did spend 7 hours cleaning the kids rooms yesterday which was an eye opener I can tell you - Its disturbing what you can find under a 4 year olds bed.
Apart from that I plod on through every day watching endless amounts of childrens dvds and washing Joanna's six outfit changes a day, occasionaly looking out the window watching life pass by.
I have no other news as I have become a bit of a hermit, not even going out to do the shopping (aint Tesco.com great) I guess you get to week 4 in the summer holidays and you have pretty much run out of (patience ..Just kidding!!) things to do and places to go. I did spend 7 hours cleaning the kids rooms yesterday which was an eye opener I can tell you - Its disturbing what you can find under a 4 year olds bed.
Apart from that I plod on through every day watching endless amounts of childrens dvds and washing Joanna's six outfit changes a day, occasionaly looking out the window watching life pass by.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
So someone tell me why there is only 24 hours in a day? And why it flies by for adults and yet 2 minutes for a child is like an eternity. Summer holidays are getting to be a slog and to be honest just having a pee in peace is beginning to sound really appealing.
On a personal level I am determined to achieve more within the next year - I feel ready for a new challenge and I am aiming for self employement. I am restless and need to be getting on with things. However the summer break means that even washing the dishes is posing a problem.
Gary has also had loads of work problems since we have been back from holidays which has meant he has had to move on. His new job meant buying another car and it was another bill we could have done without.
My children have, after digging out an old dvd, developed an obsession with Care bears which has already meant trapesing around car boot sales searching for virtually extinct toys. Joanna is after one particular one called Noble heart horse, so I went looking on Ebay look what one went for on there the other day. I mean why spend that on a teddy ffs. Tell me I am not wrong here.
Finally wooo hooo Jenson Button won a Grand Prix - And typically British he did it with style. Ooo and Gabriella where are you??? Your blog vanished.
On a personal level I am determined to achieve more within the next year - I feel ready for a new challenge and I am aiming for self employement. I am restless and need to be getting on with things. However the summer break means that even washing the dishes is posing a problem.
Gary has also had loads of work problems since we have been back from holidays which has meant he has had to move on. His new job meant buying another car and it was another bill we could have done without.
My children have, after digging out an old dvd, developed an obsession with Care bears which has already meant trapesing around car boot sales searching for virtually extinct toys. Joanna is after one particular one called Noble heart horse, so I went looking on Ebay look what one went for on there the other day. I mean why spend that on a teddy ffs. Tell me I am not wrong here.
Finally wooo hooo Jenson Button won a Grand Prix - And typically British he did it with style. Ooo and Gabriella where are you??? Your blog vanished.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Am I dead?? No, no, no, no. Is this one of those annoying blogs you pass by and wonder why the owner suddenly stopped posting.... maybe... No actually I have decided it's not, although I must admit I contemplated it.
We enjoyed the holidays (if you want details and pictures go visit the sister Natalie who wrote all about it.)
Apart from what she says my own personal experience was that both America and Canada are lovely places that I hope to visit again someday but after the week-long jetlag we had when we got home I do not wish to go back anytime soon.
As soon as that cleared up and I actually got my head back around routine the summer holidays have descended and it seems like I havent nor will I ever have a moment's peace again. So if I seem a slightly mad, quite mad or have completely lost my marbles over the next six weeks, well look at this way it will make for interesting reading. Every other Mum reading knows exactly what I mean right??
We enjoyed the holidays (if you want details and pictures go visit the sister Natalie who wrote all about it.)
Apart from what she says my own personal experience was that both America and Canada are lovely places that I hope to visit again someday but after the week-long jetlag we had when we got home I do not wish to go back anytime soon.
As soon as that cleared up and I actually got my head back around routine the summer holidays have descended and it seems like I havent nor will I ever have a moment's peace again. So if I seem a slightly mad, quite mad or have completely lost my marbles over the next six weeks, well look at this way it will make for interesting reading. Every other Mum reading knows exactly what I mean right??
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Well we have had hair cuts, packed toys and toothbrushes, and cashed in all Ethans penny's for Dollars. We are now ready to embark on our first ever holiday abroad as a family.
Are the kids excited? .... YES, Is the hubby excited?.... Unbearably!!! Am I excited? Well Duh - Of course I am.
I shall catch you all in two weeks - Happy blogging.
Are the kids excited? .... YES, Is the hubby excited?.... Unbearably!!! Am I excited? Well Duh - Of course I am.
I shall catch you all in two weeks - Happy blogging.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
So is anyone else on My Space??? How addictive is it? I have only just created my site but after just a few days it has crept to the top of my favorites list. If you are on there add me as a friend please because I have none!!!! My link is on the left.
I am enjoying the lunchtime supervisors job. I am told by the class I supervise that I am the best in the world and that I should be a teacher as well. I would hazard a guess thats because I dont know all the rules yet and they are getting away with many a thing they shouldnt. Ethan saw me in the playground yesterday, and without any emotion said "Miss can I go to the toilet?" I was shocked - he totally blanked his own mother!!
And OMG panic panic 10 days and we are all going on our first ever holiday abroad as a family. I have lists of my lists of things I have to do. If I could just take everything in the house with me it still wouldnt be enough. Happy weekend all!!
I am enjoying the lunchtime supervisors job. I am told by the class I supervise that I am the best in the world and that I should be a teacher as well. I would hazard a guess thats because I dont know all the rules yet and they are getting away with many a thing they shouldnt. Ethan saw me in the playground yesterday, and without any emotion said "Miss can I go to the toilet?" I was shocked - he totally blanked his own mother!!
And OMG panic panic 10 days and we are all going on our first ever holiday abroad as a family. I have lists of my lists of things I have to do. If I could just take everything in the house with me it still wouldnt be enough. Happy weekend all!!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Living in my house could never be described as boring. The last two weeks have been a mad hectic confusion involving travelling thousands of miles from visiting my sister in law in her college digs to travelling to France and Belgium over the weekend just for the sake of it. The new car hubby decided needs running in, so off we went (minus kids) for an extremely long spin. It was nice and fun and we really got a kick out of doing a Kate and Leonardo moment on the end of the ferry in front of loads of people, Some people have no sense of humour!!!
As well as this it was half term last week which meant various cake making afternoons, cress growing experiments and paddling pool/mud baths. I am not even going to go into the plaster of paris mould set thingy!!!
Sports day was eventful too with Ethan proving he has his fathers sporting abilities and competitiveness. This week is the summer Fayre - another greeeeat school event, Think I may sneak in a bottle of Vodka to make things go quicker for me.
And finally I have a job (Ok maybe job is a bit of an ambitious word to be using here) as a lunch time supervisor at the kids school. I keep wondering who the kids are talking to when they say Mrs Rees, Sounds to grown up to be me.
20 Days and I go to America - guess I better start packing or something then ;)
As well as this it was half term last week which meant various cake making afternoons, cress growing experiments and paddling pool/mud baths. I am not even going to go into the plaster of paris mould set thingy!!!
Sports day was eventful too with Ethan proving he has his fathers sporting abilities and competitiveness. This week is the summer Fayre - another greeeeat school event, Think I may sneak in a bottle of Vodka to make things go quicker for me.
And finally I have a job (Ok maybe job is a bit of an ambitious word to be using here) as a lunch time supervisor at the kids school. I keep wondering who the kids are talking to when they say Mrs Rees, Sounds to grown up to be me.
20 Days and I go to America - guess I better start packing or something then ;)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Last Saturday was a strange day. I woke up with a "Wouldnt it be nice if we all went out to dinner" feeling. I had this image in my head of a nice meal out with the kids and hubby which we would all enjoy - all Mother's get this mental picture - Its where the phrase 'quality time' was invented. And as all Mother's can tell you it's a deluded idiotic myth - there's no such thing.
My 'perfect family meal' predictably plummeted into a competition between my two children to see who could win 'Most disobedient child' award. And I can tell you it was too close to declare a winner. Joanna sulked through most of the meal, scowling and declaring as loudly as possible "I wont eat it, I dont like it, you cant make me eat it". Whilst Ethan persistently pointed at other people's food shouting "Ewww your food it yukky" I was suitably unimpressed - needless to say there were harsh words spoken later in the day.
I also made the very deadly mistake of mentioning to Gary that the windscreen wipers on the car needed replacing this week. Normally this would be fine, but apparently windscreen wipers for our Audi can only be bought at Audi and not in any normal car parts shop. I knew I should have got them myself - I can only compare it's effect to letting me loose in Cadbury world and saying "eat as much as you want!!" We never even got to the service counter before he had found a car to drool over. Shall we say the rest is history - shame the bill isn't. We pick our brand new car up on Saturday morning. I am excited, but not thrilled at the idea of spending the whole weekend driving around pointlessly.

This is what our new car will look like.
My 'perfect family meal' predictably plummeted into a competition between my two children to see who could win 'Most disobedient child' award. And I can tell you it was too close to declare a winner. Joanna sulked through most of the meal, scowling and declaring as loudly as possible "I wont eat it, I dont like it, you cant make me eat it". Whilst Ethan persistently pointed at other people's food shouting "Ewww your food it yukky" I was suitably unimpressed - needless to say there were harsh words spoken later in the day.
I also made the very deadly mistake of mentioning to Gary that the windscreen wipers on the car needed replacing this week. Normally this would be fine, but apparently windscreen wipers for our Audi can only be bought at Audi and not in any normal car parts shop. I knew I should have got them myself - I can only compare it's effect to letting me loose in Cadbury world and saying "eat as much as you want!!" We never even got to the service counter before he had found a car to drool over. Shall we say the rest is history - shame the bill isn't. We pick our brand new car up on Saturday morning. I am excited, but not thrilled at the idea of spending the whole weekend driving around pointlessly.

This is what our new car will look like.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Dearly Beloved
We are gathered here today to witness the passing of a special friend of the Rees household. One that has been with us through thick and thin, through babies and cats, through sickness and health.
Our friends passing was quiet and for that we are thankfull. He had reached the old age of nine, We celebrate his faithfulness and thank him for all he has done for us. Old friend you are gone but not forgotton.
It is with sorrow that I must say goodbye to my friend, My ever enduring washing machine, Mr Tricity Bendix 1000. Washing clothes wont be the same without you. RIP.
In other news take a peak on the left at the photos of the "Mum's garden excavation project" No cats were found (although that didnt stop me pretending to have found one to my sister - I am sick I know) And now that we have found the garden path Dad is suddenly interested in Gardens again - Dad likes his garden path - Dont ya Dad???
We are gathered here today to witness the passing of a special friend of the Rees household. One that has been with us through thick and thin, through babies and cats, through sickness and health.
Our friends passing was quiet and for that we are thankfull. He had reached the old age of nine, We celebrate his faithfulness and thank him for all he has done for us. Old friend you are gone but not forgotton.
It is with sorrow that I must say goodbye to my friend, My ever enduring washing machine, Mr Tricity Bendix 1000. Washing clothes wont be the same without you. RIP.
In other news take a peak on the left at the photos of the "Mum's garden excavation project" No cats were found (although that didnt stop me pretending to have found one to my sister - I am sick I know) And now that we have found the garden path Dad is suddenly interested in Gardens again - Dad likes his garden path - Dont ya Dad???
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I mentioned to Gary in passing just over a week ago that my mother wanted him to sort out her garden. When she asked me to ask him the words "snowballs chance in hell" sprung to mind, However to my absolute astonishment he said yes, followed by "this weekend ok?"
Now you may be thinking what a good son in law to mow her lawns, However my Mother's garden is no ordinary garden. Not only is it 100 feet long, overgrown with brambles and 15 feet conifer trees but is also infested with Japanese knotweed. Which in short means you cannot find the garden path, see the shed at the bottom of the garden or even attempt to imagine what just bit your foot should you take one step in.
Seriously this garden makes the Amazon look good, Its so scarey they should make a film about it.
However bravely a team of four of us (Gary, Sister, Mum and Myself) fully equipped with industrial strimmers, gloves, scythes and other implements of destruction set forth last Saturday to endure what Mum's garden could throw at us.
(Just to clarify Dad has renounced all claim to the garden and fails to acknowledge it's exsistence)
I wish I had taken before and after photos to show you what we achieved in one day. Next weekend we have a machine coming to finish the job (or at least finish getting the undergrowth to ground level!!!)
Only problem is the garden doubles as a pet cemetry and we shall be digging up the remains of approximately 20 cats (we like cats ok!) a budgie and a hamster called Lara. I will try and get some pictures of our progress.
Now you may be thinking what a good son in law to mow her lawns, However my Mother's garden is no ordinary garden. Not only is it 100 feet long, overgrown with brambles and 15 feet conifer trees but is also infested with Japanese knotweed. Which in short means you cannot find the garden path, see the shed at the bottom of the garden or even attempt to imagine what just bit your foot should you take one step in.
Seriously this garden makes the Amazon look good, Its so scarey they should make a film about it.
However bravely a team of four of us (Gary, Sister, Mum and Myself) fully equipped with industrial strimmers, gloves, scythes and other implements of destruction set forth last Saturday to endure what Mum's garden could throw at us.
(Just to clarify Dad has renounced all claim to the garden and fails to acknowledge it's exsistence)
I wish I had taken before and after photos to show you what we achieved in one day. Next weekend we have a machine coming to finish the job (or at least finish getting the undergrowth to ground level!!!)
Only problem is the garden doubles as a pet cemetry and we shall be digging up the remains of approximately 20 cats (we like cats ok!) a budgie and a hamster called Lara. I will try and get some pictures of our progress.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
My dear hubby had a moment of weakness at the weekend and during that time I took full advantage of the situation and got him to buy me a laptop. Always wanted one - dont know why.
So then of course its no good having a computer without having the internet, its like having a broken tv. So yesterday my new wireless modem arrived and then followed ten and a half hours of fiddling, installing programmes, following instructions and then later on tantrums, swearing at the computer and a frustrated hunt in the kitchen cupboards for chocolate.
Finally its working and I am now blogging on my new laptop whilst comfy in bed. And I must say theres something strange about surfing the web whilst in bed, It kind of feels like when you first got the net and sleep was something you vaguely remembered doing before the discovery of Ebay and other such sites.
Last night I hardly got any sleep and by tomorrow shall probably be walking around in a zombie like daze, but screw that, anyone got any good sites that will amuse me and keep me surfing till late into the night???????
So then of course its no good having a computer without having the internet, its like having a broken tv. So yesterday my new wireless modem arrived and then followed ten and a half hours of fiddling, installing programmes, following instructions and then later on tantrums, swearing at the computer and a frustrated hunt in the kitchen cupboards for chocolate.
Finally its working and I am now blogging on my new laptop whilst comfy in bed. And I must say theres something strange about surfing the web whilst in bed, It kind of feels like when you first got the net and sleep was something you vaguely remembered doing before the discovery of Ebay and other such sites.
Last night I hardly got any sleep and by tomorrow shall probably be walking around in a zombie like daze, but screw that, anyone got any good sites that will amuse me and keep me surfing till late into the night???????
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Today I was blessed with an unexpected visit from my Grandad and his best friend, which would normally be fine if it wasnt half term and I wasnt burried in endless amounts of mess.
My grandfathers friend I have only met a few times and today I learnt a valuable lesson - Dont ask old people how they are, because it will result in a half an hour conversation (of time you cant really spare) of babble about their health resulting in a 'lets bash the NHS' moan. "Fine thanks" would have worked so much better for me.
And I absolutely object to any old people, who arnt related to us in anyway, refering themselves as 'uncle' to endear them to children. Kids arnt stupid you know - Whoever thought they are is very very mistaken.
And one last thing, it is not polite to visit someones house and pull the cats tail just because its long, pretty and fluffy. I am not wrong about this am I? Poor Posh the cat was horrified.
It was however nice to see my grandad, he doesnt really visit often enough and I love him to bits.
My grandfathers friend I have only met a few times and today I learnt a valuable lesson - Dont ask old people how they are, because it will result in a half an hour conversation (of time you cant really spare) of babble about their health resulting in a 'lets bash the NHS' moan. "Fine thanks" would have worked so much better for me.
And I absolutely object to any old people, who arnt related to us in anyway, refering themselves as 'uncle' to endear them to children. Kids arnt stupid you know - Whoever thought they are is very very mistaken.
And one last thing, it is not polite to visit someones house and pull the cats tail just because its long, pretty and fluffy. I am not wrong about this am I? Poor Posh the cat was horrified.
It was however nice to see my grandad, he doesnt really visit often enough and I love him to bits.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Dear family centre
Did you stop for one second to realise how your "Staff training day" would effect our lives today. I mean I dont mean to be picky but since you are only open three days a week for a measly four hours did it not occur to you to pick one of the other four days of the week to sit around discussing how well your doing? (What you call training)
Did it not also occur to you that during the school holidays your centre would be busier? I mean where is your sense.
Now I have to put up with two bored children for the rest of the day who are dissapointed that they have walked all the way over to you to find you closed. Four year olds dont really understand "staff training" as an excuse.
Did you stop for one second to realise how your "Staff training day" would effect our lives today. I mean I dont mean to be picky but since you are only open three days a week for a measly four hours did it not occur to you to pick one of the other four days of the week to sit around discussing how well your doing? (What you call training)
Did it not also occur to you that during the school holidays your centre would be busier? I mean where is your sense.
Now I have to put up with two bored children for the rest of the day who are dissapointed that they have walked all the way over to you to find you closed. Four year olds dont really understand "staff training" as an excuse.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Anyone else notice that Blogger has been an absolute pain in the arse today?? Bet ya have.
I finally have peace from my lovely but very strange children, Ethan decided to kiss all his money goodnight (and as he has over £3 in small change that takes a while) He has an abnormal obsession with money and I have no idea how to curb it.
And Joanna has successfully finished her first playstation 2 game (Crash Bandicoot Tag team racing) which means she is itching for a new challenge and a new game (which is costly)
Myself I have decided its that time of year to crash diet again and I am back on the slimfast. Hubby has decided to embark on the challenge with me - only problem is he will stick to it and I will end up cursing him in a few weeks time (look out for the rant on here shortly)
Have to go and do a ton of Ebaying now - Have been putting it off all day.
I finally have peace from my lovely but very strange children, Ethan decided to kiss all his money goodnight (and as he has over £3 in small change that takes a while) He has an abnormal obsession with money and I have no idea how to curb it.
And Joanna has successfully finished her first playstation 2 game (Crash Bandicoot Tag team racing) which means she is itching for a new challenge and a new game (which is costly)
Myself I have decided its that time of year to crash diet again and I am back on the slimfast. Hubby has decided to embark on the challenge with me - only problem is he will stick to it and I will end up cursing him in a few weeks time (look out for the rant on here shortly)
Have to go and do a ton of Ebaying now - Have been putting it off all day.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
So its all change around here, I guess after the last post I figured I should put a bit more effort in. Thanks to all who emailed me and thanks to family members (who shall remain nameless) who told other family members who then lectured me on why I should be thankful and yes they are right....I should be.
I am feeling much more cheerful now - especially today, because last night after a week in hiding, the wart on my face fell off. (cue laughter) Yes this may not seem like much to you but having a huge witch wart on your face for nearly a year does nothing for your confidence. You seen the Austin Powers film and the mole scene - Well that was me. So I bought some special stuff from USA (because my doctor refused to give me anything) and the end result is today it is gone. So now my sisters nickname for me (moleeeee) is history.
In other news my sister got a seventies style haircut (she made the error of letting my mother cut her hair) I discovered there are only nine weeks till we all go to USA and crap I havent got the kids passports yet, Ethan proved he was is hard as nails by not crying whilst getting his MMR (when I asked him how he was so brave he said it was because he couldnt possibly cry in front of three lady nurses!!!!) and finally Joanna has developed a disturbing addiction the the playstation and playing it for eight hours at a time - I am not sure if this is bad or good - I will get back to you.
I am feeling much more cheerful now - especially today, because last night after a week in hiding, the wart on my face fell off. (cue laughter) Yes this may not seem like much to you but having a huge witch wart on your face for nearly a year does nothing for your confidence. You seen the Austin Powers film and the mole scene - Well that was me. So I bought some special stuff from USA (because my doctor refused to give me anything) and the end result is today it is gone. So now my sisters nickname for me (moleeeee) is history.
In other news my sister got a seventies style haircut (she made the error of letting my mother cut her hair) I discovered there are only nine weeks till we all go to USA and crap I havent got the kids passports yet, Ethan proved he was is hard as nails by not crying whilst getting his MMR (when I asked him how he was so brave he said it was because he couldnt possibly cry in front of three lady nurses!!!!) and finally Joanna has developed a disturbing addiction the the playstation and playing it for eight hours at a time - I am not sure if this is bad or good - I will get back to you.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I could spend ages apologising for not blogging but I am not gonna bother.
I am trying to cut back on the time I spend online - Otherwise I may just spend all of my thirties sat here as well. Call it a midlife crisis if you will but I am really restless at the moment - I am currently in the middle of compiling a top ten list of things to do before I die .... What does that say huh?
Its not intentional I dont intend to moan but I dont see my husband from one week to the next and whilst my children are in school all I have to do is pick up after them, sometimes it just seems pointless.
Soooo I am trying with all my resolve to be more proactive, But it all takes time. I am only changing small things at the moment and thats hard enough.
It will all be ok though because very soon easter will be here and I can eat tons of chocolate without needing an excuse!!!!
I am trying to cut back on the time I spend online - Otherwise I may just spend all of my thirties sat here as well. Call it a midlife crisis if you will but I am really restless at the moment - I am currently in the middle of compiling a top ten list of things to do before I die .... What does that say huh?
Its not intentional I dont intend to moan but I dont see my husband from one week to the next and whilst my children are in school all I have to do is pick up after them, sometimes it just seems pointless.
Soooo I am trying with all my resolve to be more proactive, But it all takes time. I am only changing small things at the moment and thats hard enough.
It will all be ok though because very soon easter will be here and I can eat tons of chocolate without needing an excuse!!!!
Friday, March 17, 2006
one down, just finished a 4500 word essay and now I have to start another. kicking myself for not getting done sooner. ah well.
Anyone heard of Tamagotchi's? Apparently they are fashionable again, so Joanna used her pocket money to go and buy one. I remember them being popular when my sisters were in school - didnt take them long to get banned then or now.
Thats all well and good but now I have to babysit the damn thing in the day, It beeps at me constantly if I dont give it attention, feed it, play with it and even wipe up its mess.
So today I left it in the car for 6 and a half hours. Well you can imagine the rest right??
So please join me in saying a prayer for Spot the tamagotchi, RIP.
Anyone heard of Tamagotchi's? Apparently they are fashionable again, so Joanna used her pocket money to go and buy one. I remember them being popular when my sisters were in school - didnt take them long to get banned then or now.
Thats all well and good but now I have to babysit the damn thing in the day, It beeps at me constantly if I dont give it attention, feed it, play with it and even wipe up its mess.
So today I left it in the car for 6 and a half hours. Well you can imagine the rest right??
So please join me in saying a prayer for Spot the tamagotchi, RIP.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I got tagged by Gabriela so here goes (sorry it took me so long to get around to it hun)
* Four Jobs you have had in your life...
Checkout assistant at Kwik Save (when I was in college)
Stock control manager.
Off licience manager.
Public House manager.
* Four Movies you could watch over and over...
Lord of the Rings
Star Trek
Pirates of the caribbean
* Four places you have lived...
Only ever lived in good old Wales
* Four TV Shows you love to watch...
The biggest Loser
The Simpsons
* Four places you have been on vacation...
* Four websites you visit daily...
Loud Ladies (my msn group)
Emails across the ocean (my sisters website)
Fairydust on Ebay(cos I work there)
The met office (because of my obsession with the weather)
* Four of your favorite foods...
Chicken tikka
* Four places you would rather be right now...
In Bed
In a nice big bubble bath
In thorntons (a choc shop)
* Four Bloggers you are tagging...
Natalie (cos she needs to update)
Jilly (cos I know these bug her)
and anyone else who wants to take part
* Four Jobs you have had in your life...
Checkout assistant at Kwik Save (when I was in college)
Stock control manager.
Off licience manager.
Public House manager.
* Four Movies you could watch over and over...
Lord of the Rings
Star Trek
Pirates of the caribbean
* Four places you have lived...
Only ever lived in good old Wales
* Four TV Shows you love to watch...
The biggest Loser
The Simpsons
* Four places you have been on vacation...
* Four websites you visit daily...
Loud Ladies (my msn group)
Emails across the ocean (my sisters website)
Fairydust on Ebay(cos I work there)
The met office (because of my obsession with the weather)
* Four of your favorite foods...
Chicken tikka
* Four places you would rather be right now...
In Bed
In a nice big bubble bath
In thorntons (a choc shop)
* Four Bloggers you are tagging...
Natalie (cos she needs to update)
Jilly (cos I know these bug her)
and anyone else who wants to take part
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Crap I am such a lazy cow. I have left it till the last minute yet again and now have three essays to get in that are far over due. I have no excuses (apart from being a full time mum) I always get to this point and wonder whether it would be easier just to drop out. Anyways if anyone has any deep and meaningful insight into shamanism (yes I said shamanism) please let me know
Monday, March 06, 2006
We all had a fantastic holiday although we must have been in the only part in the UK that it didnt snow. I love snow but for some reason I repel it - If I went to the North Pole it would melt. Hubby says its because I am hot stuff **sticks fingers down throat**
Joanna enjoyed her horse ride (and so she bloody should for £16 for 30 mins) although she was unimpressed when Byron the horse stopped to do his business lmao.
Gary did not enjoy the bike riding even though he went on and on and on about buying bikes before we went up there. Of course that may have had something to do with the fact that most of the park was up hill and he was pulling a trailor with both kids in (70lbs)
Ethan enjoyed terrorising all the little bunnies who had up until now had no need to fear human life.
I enjoyed the spa because it was quiet, involved no exercise and meant if I sweated long enough in the sauna's I may lose weight (I didnt though - gained 7 - Sulk)
It wasnt as depressing when we got home because its only 4 months until we go to America. But it was difficult to get out of bed this morning and get back into routine and a normal day - except its never a normal day, Ethan fell in the school yard and cut all his face before school, There was a reporter outside the school questioning people including me about stuff I dont know about because I was away and Ethan just threw up everywhere.
Holiday pics on the left :)
Joanna enjoyed her horse ride (and so she bloody should for £16 for 30 mins) although she was unimpressed when Byron the horse stopped to do his business lmao.
Gary did not enjoy the bike riding even though he went on and on and on about buying bikes before we went up there. Of course that may have had something to do with the fact that most of the park was up hill and he was pulling a trailor with both kids in (70lbs)
Ethan enjoyed terrorising all the little bunnies who had up until now had no need to fear human life.
I enjoyed the spa because it was quiet, involved no exercise and meant if I sweated long enough in the sauna's I may lose weight (I didnt though - gained 7 - Sulk)
It wasnt as depressing when we got home because its only 4 months until we go to America. But it was difficult to get out of bed this morning and get back into routine and a normal day - except its never a normal day, Ethan fell in the school yard and cut all his face before school, There was a reporter outside the school questioning people including me about stuff I dont know about because I was away and Ethan just threw up everywhere.
Holiday pics on the left :)
Friday, February 24, 2006
I cant believe we need soooo much stuff just to go away for 5 days. I cant believe it is taking so much organising and I cant believe my hubby (who moaned and moaned when I booked the holiday) is soooo excited. Big kids huh?
This will be the first break we have had since Ethan was 6 months old (4 now) - so its an exciting time for the kids too, They keep asking 'how many sleeps' which would be fine if it wasnt 3am.
It will be so nice for us all to spend some time together, I have the perfect idea of a holiday in my head but I know from experience it wont go like that and we will probably end up screaming at each other.
oh btw I had an excellent night out on my birthday, I had the worst hangover of my life on the Sunday.
Catch you all in a week bloggers. Au revoir x x x
This will be the first break we have had since Ethan was 6 months old (4 now) - so its an exciting time for the kids too, They keep asking 'how many sleeps' which would be fine if it wasnt 3am.
It will be so nice for us all to spend some time together, I have the perfect idea of a holiday in my head but I know from experience it wont go like that and we will probably end up screaming at each other.
oh btw I had an excellent night out on my birthday, I had the worst hangover of my life on the Sunday.
Catch you all in a week bloggers. Au revoir x x x
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
How inconsiderate - Nearly everyone of Ethans friends turned up at his birthday party costing me a whopping 115 quid. I mean surely some of them could have been 'busy' or 'sick' but noooo it seems little Ethan is quite popular.
That said you wouldnt think him smacking a school friend in the face with a bat yesterday would do his popularity any good but he was in fact the only one out of our family to get a Valentines card (yes a proper one at the ripe ole age of 4)
And yes thats right not a whiff of a card insight for me! But yes I am married now so perhaps I shouldnt expect. His excuse? I tell you I love you all the time - isnt that enough????? nuff said
We are going away in just under two weeks to center parcs I nearly needed a bank loan to pay for the holiday then I got my holiday planner back detailing the costs of everything else ..... and omg I think I am gonna have to pinch the crown jewels just to cover the costs of the first day there.
Saturday also looms - you know what happens Saturday? Apart from me going out with a few mates and having a few (ok more than a few) drinks. I dont care, really I dont. It doesnt bother me one bit....honest.
That said you wouldnt think him smacking a school friend in the face with a bat yesterday would do his popularity any good but he was in fact the only one out of our family to get a Valentines card (yes a proper one at the ripe ole age of 4)
And yes thats right not a whiff of a card insight for me! But yes I am married now so perhaps I shouldnt expect. His excuse? I tell you I love you all the time - isnt that enough????? nuff said
We are going away in just under two weeks to center parcs I nearly needed a bank loan to pay for the holiday then I got my holiday planner back detailing the costs of everything else ..... and omg I think I am gonna have to pinch the crown jewels just to cover the costs of the first day there.
Saturday also looms - you know what happens Saturday? Apart from me going out with a few mates and having a few (ok more than a few) drinks. I dont care, really I dont. It doesnt bother me one bit....honest.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Over the last week I have had an eye infection meaning I have either had to wear my glasses (instead of my contacts) or nothing at all.
Now this is great until unknown to me I get a huge stationary order (15 boxes of bubble envelopes for my ebay stuff) that gets left with nextdoor whilst I am dropping the kids off at school. I took my glasses off as soon as I got in through the door.
The lad next door is a real sweetie, Always waves, chats, gives the kids sweets etc, sooooo I really should have recognised him when he knocked on the door surrounded by these 15 boxes shouldnt I???? I mean we have been living next door to each other for 4 years.
But No - I simply assumed he was the delivery driver and told him where I wanted the boxes and apart from thanks said nothing else. He smiled and although seemed a little uncomfortable left quickly after carrying them all in.
He then got into his car (obviously on his way out) and left ..... which was the awful point when I realised he wasnt a delivery driver. OMG I was sooo embarresed and so must he have been.
I had to go round there with a six pack of beer yesterday and explain, I could have died I was so embarressed. He was ok about it though (I am sure he has had a good laugh at it though)
Ethan was 4 yesterday - Already. Birthday party tomorrow night, 20 screaming kids - great huh. Here they are yesterday up to mischief.

Happy birthday Ethan
Now this is great until unknown to me I get a huge stationary order (15 boxes of bubble envelopes for my ebay stuff) that gets left with nextdoor whilst I am dropping the kids off at school. I took my glasses off as soon as I got in through the door.
The lad next door is a real sweetie, Always waves, chats, gives the kids sweets etc, sooooo I really should have recognised him when he knocked on the door surrounded by these 15 boxes shouldnt I???? I mean we have been living next door to each other for 4 years.
But No - I simply assumed he was the delivery driver and told him where I wanted the boxes and apart from thanks said nothing else. He smiled and although seemed a little uncomfortable left quickly after carrying them all in.
He then got into his car (obviously on his way out) and left ..... which was the awful point when I realised he wasnt a delivery driver. OMG I was sooo embarresed and so must he have been.
I had to go round there with a six pack of beer yesterday and explain, I could have died I was so embarressed. He was ok about it though (I am sure he has had a good laugh at it though)
Ethan was 4 yesterday - Already. Birthday party tomorrow night, 20 screaming kids - great huh. Here they are yesterday up to mischief.

Happy birthday Ethan

Friday, February 03, 2006
Now it is my humble opinion that you go to a supermarket with the aim of purchasing food and leaving as quickly as possible. I dont know any Mum's who like food shopping - It is one of the absolute crappiest chores I have to do.
Why is it then that some people go and use it as a meeting place and stand blocking the aisles nattering about how various acquaintences are, that they cant be bothered to go and visit.
What is it about "door out of order - please use other door" that confuses some people?? And why do people who deliberately barge in front of you, look at you angrily when you catch their feet with your trolly? And then expect me to say sorry - Keep dreaming pal.
Why do people spend ages pondering whether to buy a product when there are three people trying to get to the get the same thing and get going? Are they blind, oblivious or just rude?
And why are there either massive ques at the checkout or I have picked the checkout lady that scans one item a minute launching my goods down the conveyor belt as if she is deliberately trying to dent, squash or crack them?
All questions I shall never know the answer to and unfortunately I still have to go and suffer food shopping every week till I die unless I happen to win the euromillions jackpot tonight with my five tickets - Not that I am obsessing or anything but what I could do with £125,000,000.
Why is it then that some people go and use it as a meeting place and stand blocking the aisles nattering about how various acquaintences are, that they cant be bothered to go and visit.
What is it about "door out of order - please use other door" that confuses some people?? And why do people who deliberately barge in front of you, look at you angrily when you catch their feet with your trolly? And then expect me to say sorry - Keep dreaming pal.
Why do people spend ages pondering whether to buy a product when there are three people trying to get to the get the same thing and get going? Are they blind, oblivious or just rude?
And why are there either massive ques at the checkout or I have picked the checkout lady that scans one item a minute launching my goods down the conveyor belt as if she is deliberately trying to dent, squash or crack them?
All questions I shall never know the answer to and unfortunately I still have to go and suffer food shopping every week till I die unless I happen to win the euromillions jackpot tonight with my five tickets - Not that I am obsessing or anything but what I could do with £125,000,000.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Its official - I am no longer cool. You want to know why - because I dont have ear muffs!!!!! (and perhaps because I am nearly 30)
Now personally I remember ear muffs going out, coming back in and going out again. However now they are fashionable again as my daughter tells me. We spent three hours looking for some of these hideous fashion blunders to make my daughter "cool". Joanna has at some point discovered these and decided they are the must have accessory.

Although this is not Joanna it represents how awful these things are. Joanna marched into school in hers and I watched her lapping up the attention as the other girls in her class starting drooling, and ran to their Mums demanding ear muffs by hometime. I was then mobbed by desperate Mums asking where I had bought such pretty ear muffs. Has the world gone mad?
Joanna hasnt worn them since having achieved her goal and has now moved on to ear piercing (Which she can forget all about) However now there are at least eight, six year olds walking around with ear muffs on to Joannas amusement and my horror.
Now personally I remember ear muffs going out, coming back in and going out again. However now they are fashionable again as my daughter tells me. We spent three hours looking for some of these hideous fashion blunders to make my daughter "cool". Joanna has at some point discovered these and decided they are the must have accessory.


Although this is not Joanna it represents how awful these things are. Joanna marched into school in hers and I watched her lapping up the attention as the other girls in her class starting drooling, and ran to their Mums demanding ear muffs by hometime. I was then mobbed by desperate Mums asking where I had bought such pretty ear muffs. Has the world gone mad?
Joanna hasnt worn them since having achieved her goal and has now moved on to ear piercing (Which she can forget all about) However now there are at least eight, six year olds walking around with ear muffs on to Joannas amusement and my horror.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
In this half an hour of sheer exhaustion when I am unable to do anything else I thought I would blog. Yes thats right I have been exercising - And it nearly killed me. Davina you have alot to answer for!!!! I am too knackered to reach the remote control which means I have to suffer celebrity fit club.
Todays madness consists of
1 Trying to cut the wart on my face off with a nail scissiors - Its not a wise thing to do - and suprisingly bleeds ALOT.
2 Forgetting I put a load of sharp knives in a sink full of water and nearly slicing my fingers off.
3 Finding something squishy and sticky under Ethans bed (Which I still havent identified) Also wondering why he has a tape measure, screwdiver and £1.72 under there as well.
4 Not eating chocolate - Yes unbelievably a whole day without chocolate - Has the whole world gone mad????
5 Forgetting I left my conservatory door wide open when I went to pick the kids up from school OOps lucky I dont have anything worth pinching!!
6 Watcing some of Celebrity big brother - I know I need shooting as it is a totally horrid crime, one I swore never to commit.
Can I last another day without chocolate - how much you wanna bet?? Huh Huh ?
Todays madness consists of
1 Trying to cut the wart on my face off with a nail scissiors - Its not a wise thing to do - and suprisingly bleeds ALOT.
2 Forgetting I put a load of sharp knives in a sink full of water and nearly slicing my fingers off.
3 Finding something squishy and sticky under Ethans bed (Which I still havent identified) Also wondering why he has a tape measure, screwdiver and £1.72 under there as well.
4 Not eating chocolate - Yes unbelievably a whole day without chocolate - Has the whole world gone mad????
5 Forgetting I left my conservatory door wide open when I went to pick the kids up from school OOps lucky I dont have anything worth pinching!!
6 Watcing some of Celebrity big brother - I know I need shooting as it is a totally horrid crime, one I swore never to commit.
Can I last another day without chocolate - how much you wanna bet?? Huh Huh ?
Monday, January 16, 2006
I have three friends that have just woken up one day and completely changed their outlook on life and have without problem lost between two and four stone (28 - 56lbs). When I ask them how they did it they say "It was easy, all you have to do is eat healthily and exercise" I KNOW THAT, What I mean is HOW DID YOU DO THAT???
I just cant do it. Its official I seriously, without a doubt, have no willpower. It must have got up and went when I was 9 stone (126 lbs)
What happens to transform peoples lives like that?? And why cant this happen to me?? This really gets me down, Especially when I see the positive results it has had on their lives. I am so obsessed with dieting and trying lose weight and yet thats all I seem to do then is eat huge amounts of food or starve myself completely.
I managed to lose 4lbs last week which I am sure .. Given what I have eaten this evening (No joke there) It has gone back on. I dont know why, I wasnt hungry. So it has to be a mental thing right???
Omg I sound nuts now, I have mental issues!!!!!!! Someone sign me in quick (ooo think of all the weight I would lose if I was locked up) Enough already!!
I just cant do it. Its official I seriously, without a doubt, have no willpower. It must have got up and went when I was 9 stone (126 lbs)
What happens to transform peoples lives like that?? And why cant this happen to me?? This really gets me down, Especially when I see the positive results it has had on their lives. I am so obsessed with dieting and trying lose weight and yet thats all I seem to do then is eat huge amounts of food or starve myself completely.
I managed to lose 4lbs last week which I am sure .. Given what I have eaten this evening (No joke there) It has gone back on. I dont know why, I wasnt hungry. So it has to be a mental thing right???
Omg I sound nuts now, I have mental issues!!!!!!! Someone sign me in quick (ooo think of all the weight I would lose if I was locked up) Enough already!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Ok yes I know I have to update but what do you say when all you have done all day is sit on your lazy arse fiddling on the computer.
Shall I tell you I aced my History essay with the highest mark in the class - nah I dont want to bore you.
Shall I tell you that the conservatory roof is leaking because it hasnt stopped pissing down in the last day ?? nope because I dont care so why should you.
Shall I tell you I just had some sneaky chocolate and have just ruined my first week of dieting ? Nope you heard that all before as well, and before you say anything no Paul Mckenna will not make me thin - Its total rubbish.
What am I going to tell you? Nothing. There is very little I can tell you that would equal this I will say no more for today.
Shall I tell you I aced my History essay with the highest mark in the class - nah I dont want to bore you.
Shall I tell you that the conservatory roof is leaking because it hasnt stopped pissing down in the last day ?? nope because I dont care so why should you.
Shall I tell you I just had some sneaky chocolate and have just ruined my first week of dieting ? Nope you heard that all before as well, and before you say anything no Paul Mckenna will not make me thin - Its total rubbish.
What am I going to tell you? Nothing. There is very little I can tell you that would equal this I will say no more for today.
Friday, January 06, 2006
I cant stand it anymore - Why do I have to have the only children on earth that are obsessed with the Beatles, specifically Yellow submarine. Its amazing how a film 38 years old can capture their imagination.
Since christmas (when I stupidly bought them the dvd - I must have been drunk at the time) they have watched it approximately 15 times and that is no exaggeration.
I made the even bigger mistake of buying them the soundtrack as well - How stupid am I??? Good songs yes, Day in day out they just get a bit too much. I am beginning to think I do actually live in a yellow submarine. You get some pretty weird looks driving around with two kids singing their hearts out to 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'
Then there are the questions.... Why are the blue meanies mean? Why is Eleanor Rigby lonley etc etc.
All together now, all togther now ... allllllll together now. I am going mad.

Yellow Submarine
Since christmas (when I stupidly bought them the dvd - I must have been drunk at the time) they have watched it approximately 15 times and that is no exaggeration.
I made the even bigger mistake of buying them the soundtrack as well - How stupid am I??? Good songs yes, Day in day out they just get a bit too much. I am beginning to think I do actually live in a yellow submarine. You get some pretty weird looks driving around with two kids singing their hearts out to 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'
Then there are the questions.... Why are the blue meanies mean? Why is Eleanor Rigby lonley etc etc.
All together now, all togther now ... allllllll together now. I am going mad.

Yellow Submarine

Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Since going through my christmas and all its events would take to long. Here are some of the pics from the last two weeks.

Look Look Santa has been

Lots of mess

Emily :"Look at my christmas pressie"

Snap !!!

Dont buy one, its not clever, its not funny and it will result in chocolate fights!!!

Emily :"How do you get the vinegar out dammit"

Emily top left, Natalie top right, Eloise bottom right. Me bottom left. The last time we will all be together for 6 months.

My first day at school
That last one is for Jilly because I know it will make her go awwww. He didnt shed a tear, wish the same could be said for me. He made me so proud.
Natalie left this morning to go back to her home in America. I am not too sad, as we will be on our way out to see her again in June.
Happy new year all. Its been emotional!

Look Look Santa has been

Lots of mess

Emily :"Look at my christmas pressie"

Snap !!!

Dont buy one, its not clever, its not funny and it will result in chocolate fights!!!

Emily :"How do you get the vinegar out dammit"

Emily top left, Natalie top right, Eloise bottom right. Me bottom left. The last time we will all be together for 6 months.

My first day at school

That last one is for Jilly because I know it will make her go awwww. He didnt shed a tear, wish the same could be said for me. He made me so proud.
Natalie left this morning to go back to her home in America. I am not too sad, as we will be on our way out to see her again in June.
Happy new year all. Its been emotional!
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